Tuesday, July 10, 2012

An Introduction.. of Sorts

Several weeks ago for my birthday, I ordered ram for my computer.  However, it appears that one of the ram slots isn't working and now I need to take my computer in to the repair shop.  I was able to install one of the ram sticks though.  Which allowed me to go from two gigs to four gigs, effectively doubling what I did  had.  For the first time since installing Sims 3, I turned shadows and super water on.  Not only that, but my sims didn't lag.  I have render lag because I do need a new graphics card.  Which is next on the list of updates for my computer.  When I take it into the repair shop, I plan on asking the technician how big a card I can install and if I need to upgrade my power supply while I am at it. 

Now my world plays so nicely and looks absolutely stunning.  I had no idea turning the graphics up from medium to high in those two areas would have that profound of an effect.  I've been playing the families in Summerset Bay, going a bit pic spam crazy in the process.  Today I want to start sharing the sims that inhabit Summerset Bay.  Over the next several weeks, each sim will have a small introduction as I play through the rotation I've set up.  

Allow me to introduce to you The Brothers Bishop.
With the Bishops, money was hard to come by.  Their parents worked hard to make sure a meal always graced their table even if it wasn't much.  Both brothers learned the importance of relying on their instincts.  It seemed only natural for Ian to enroll himself in the local law academy.  Where Aiden's deep love of sports propelled him towards a sports scholarship at Embercombe University.  Now, he's been signed to the local team here in Summerset Bay.
Dark and brooding, the oldest brother Ian.  
Aiden, younger by a few years.

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