Friday, November 4, 2011

Summerset Isle

October was a good month and a bad month for me.  With all the other things going on I didn't have much time for simming.  When I did get to Sim,  I didn't take pics and I definitely didn't have the focus to put together a post.  All of that being said, life has quieted down to a dull roar.  So many new things have happened in my Sim world that I'm not sure where to start.  Start at the beginning you say, well that's a fine idea.

The beginning would be a completely revamped Summerset Bay.  To the point that I'm pretty sure it's barely recognizable. I gave up with the whole distant terrain.  I applaud those who can fiddle with that blasted thing and make it work with their worlds.  Those players are definitely far more talented that myself.

With the distant terrain removed Summerset Bay became Summerset Isle.  The bay still exists but the world is now an isle with a temperate climate.  The countryside still looks the same. The biggest difference would be that all the areas that had a distant terrain background have been turned into a mix of rock and beach coastal areas. What was I thinking?  As much trouble as I was having with designing coastal areas?  Well,  I also figured out how to make World Adventures play nicely with CAW.  Which means I had more rocks, plants, and trees to work with.  Those pesky coastal areas turned out quite nice looking if I do say so myself.

As for Summerset's city area that stayed almost exactly the same,  a few minor tweaks was all the revamping there.  The same with the two suburban areas.  However, the current design of industrial park just was not working for me.  With Summerset Bay's change to an isle the park just looked awkward at the location I had it.  I wasn't sure how to fix it exactly.   But I had this idea of placing it near one of the shore lines.  I did a rough placement and decided that I'd figure it all out later.  Next I redid all the roads with the Hidden Springs road textures.  What a difference road textures make for the look of a world.  It's truly amazing.

At this point, the biggest thing I had been waiting for since it's announcement was the release of Pets.  I can't say enough good things about pets.  That's a whole other post for another day.  How does the Pets expansion  relate to Summerset Bay?  With the new objects from Pets,  my industrial park had a direction.  It ceased being an industrial park and became Old Mill Road.  About a week later I have a working and playable Summerset Bay.  The perfectionist in me sometimes notices things I want to fix, which will probably get done at some point.  For now though,  families and townies have been moved in.  Wildlife is spawning, and Summerset Isle has a bright future ahead.

Windswept Overlook
Summerwild Grove
Stonemoss Mine
Oak Hollow Falls                                      
Meadowedge Falls
Old Mill Road                                        
Sylvan Farms                                        
Fieldcroft Farms

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