Monday, September 19, 2011

Are EA released worlds really that awful?

This is a short rant and in a way I'm also expressing a few apprehensions I have regarding my CAW abilities.  First I want to know where all of these sims players get their better than everyone else attitude from.  I thought humility was suppose to be a virtue.  Granted I'm as far removed from being christian as a pagan goddess, so that probably sounds odd coming from me.  The notion still stands though.

I am not any sort of professional graphic artist so maybe I'm missing something.  I still don't understand how Hidden Springs looks all that different from any other world.  I think it looks as good as some of the player created worlds out there that are suppose to be amazing.  I'm  in no way putting down those worlds though.  I know the amount of work that goes into creating a truly wonderful world.  There are some truly gorgeous worlds out there.  Hidden Springs stands right up there with them though.   I am completely disgusted with EA's bottom dollar also. I feel that people though are not being objective anymore in regards to the anything that has to do with EA though.  I'm curious if Hidden Springs had been a player created world if it would receive the same harsh overtly negative comments.

The reason all of this is really starting to get to me concerns my own little Summerset Bay.  I'd love for Summerset Bay to resemble certain parts of HS.  I'm seriously considering reworking the coastal areas for this and my hills/mountians.   I'm just very very bad at creating mountains.  I have searched, read, and watched every tutorial I could find on mountain making and I just can't seem to get it to work.  I'm starting to get a nice look though.  If I use all of these comments though as comparative point though, my world is going to be as aweful as all of these players think HS looks like.  Now,  I'm an adult and I'm aware you can't make everyone happy.  People will always have comments that are less than helpful and downright rude, hurtful, and cruel.  I'd still like to have more positive than negative comments though. I'm also aware no one really reads this.  However!  If you do read this and such, then you have seen progress pics of Summerset Bay.  Please comment and give me your Constructive Criticism.  I'd truly appreciate it!

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