Friday, April 20, 2012

Try, Try Again

Not long after I completed Summerset Bay I realized it wasn't exactly what I envisioned my world looking like.  Most of this was because I was learning CAW as I went.  There was so much I had to learn.  One of the biggest problems I had was sculpting the world.  I'm not very good with carving out hills, valleys, and painting terrain.  Those things as I've come to discover require practice, lots of practice.  As a result I had a very very flat world with not much in the way of interesting geological formations.

Another issue I had was the size of the world.  I was terrible at scaling.  All of my different areas were spread too far out to begin with.  Within each of those areas the homes were also spread to far out from each other.  Then I just didn't have as many residential and commercial areas as I should have.  I would have this very large area with only 11 homes when it would fit at least twice that many in the space available.

Lastly while this wasn't a major issue as far as the world goes, but was still something that annoyed me.  I was still developing my style as far as home building goes.  Most of my community lots were visually bland.  They looked to spartan.  As I said visually unappealing.  The same went for my residential homes.  I hadn't developed color palettes, or a good design style.  I choose patterns that were too busy or with clashing colors.

Then I found this amazing website My Sim Realty. I absolutely loved all of her worlds.  So many different styles, with many smaller worlds.  I had never until this point seen a good small or medium sized world.  One problem though was I don't have all the expansions.  And the world I really loved required Late Night. However, now I was inspired. I thought I can do this.  I've learned so much, I know I can do this.

So, I've been very busy at work on a new world.  At this moment it's mostly unnamed.  I'm tossing around a few ideas for the name such as: Shalewind Bay, Brightwood Bay, or Wildwind Bay.  Or I might call it Summerset Bay again, since this is what I really wanted my world to look like.  I thought I'd share some pics from Maggie Hathaway's play-testing adventures.

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