Monday, April 30, 2012

New Summerset Bay

Baring any unforeseen major glitches or forgotten items, I want to say the New Summerset Bay is complete. In some ways this I feel this project progressed quickly and in some ways I feel as though I've been working on this world much longer. There were times I had a ton of fun sculpting and there were times I just felt as though I was beating my head against a brick wall.

With my test sim Maggie near her goal of "The Jockey" I hope I'm in the last play testing session I will need.   So far in this testing session, it appears my butterfly problem is fixed.  First I added quite a few more butterfly spawners.  I also made sure there were plenty of each kind of small animal spawner.  Then I went through and all of the lots that had room I added a mix of animal and butterfly spawners.  That seems to have helped the situation considerably.  When I did the research regarding spawners I had read that they cause lag. So I had the recommended number of spawners for a small to medium sized world.  With all the new spawner types added in expansions I don't think  that it was a sufficient enough number.

I also discovered the ability to add the lighthouse FX from Sunset Valley and the glowy eyes from Appaloosa Plains.  Placing them seemed like a pain at first, until I figured out a trick, or just the way you do it.  Whatever object you are placing the FX on or in, select that objects.  Then bring up the properties tab, copy the X coordinate and the Z coordinate and if you want the Y, although that isn't as necessary.  Finally pasta those numbers in the corresponding lines for the FX object.  At this point it may be needed to move the object up or down or turned but it's exactly where it should be now.

All of that being said I thought I would share a few more pics of the hopefully completed New Summerset Bay.

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