Sunday, June 19, 2011


Welcome to my little corner of the Sim World.   If you haven't guessed, I'm abcfaery.   This will be my first blog ever and while I know enough about computers to be dangerous, I've never really tried to create something of this nature.   I'm planning on using this place as a way of keeping track of my various Sim projects.

There will be a little of everything here.  About a month and half ago I finally purchased Sims 3, before that I was completely addicted to Sims 2 and of course before that Sims 1.  You can say, I'm a bit Sims obsessed, but if you are here, then you probably are a bit too.

I'm still learning all about Sims 3.  While it's a completely different style of play there is still quite a bit similar to the previous Sims games.   I fully plan to continue playing Sims 2, however with Sims 3 being all shiny and new that is where my attention currently stands.

I do play other games and I am an avid gamer.  So, from time to time those other games may pop into this blog, but honestly Sims is where my heart lies.

And now before I ramble on too terribly much, which is too easy for me to do, I'll leave this here and wish all a Blessed Be!

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