Sunday, June 26, 2011


So, I'm extremely frustrated with CAW at the moment.  In my previous post,  I wrote about how I was creating a whole new world.  The problem with that would be the fact that I choose to make a medium sized world.  My computer is not a high end gaming machine.  Rather, it's a moderate gaming machine.  Meaning, I only have 2g of ram and a crappy graphics card.  Obviously, I'll be updating both of those in the future, but at the moment it is what I have to work with.

My thinking was a smaller world would be less harsh on my machine and a more enjoyable experience.  However, I was also thinking that my world would be more of a countryside and not an island.  Summerset Bay could work as an island I suppose, but it's more a farming community similar to Riverview.  I've discovered, that medium, small, and tiny worlds seems to only work well as an island because it is impossible to camouflage the water effectively.   The distant terrains that come with Sunset Valley and Riverview are designed to work on the large map.  And look rather funny on medium sized maps.

At this point I was at my wit's end trying to mess with the distant terrain and get it to function the way I wanted it too.  Apparently, it has a mind of it's own.  This left me with a couple of choices. I could make my world an island.  Or I could be extremely careful and go with the larger map.   The more I thought of it, and the more research I did, I came to the conclusion a larger world is probably better.  Summerset Bay is intended to be a long term world that I would like to play in.  I forsee generations of Sims living and building up the neighborhood.  If I'm going to do that though, I need to keep in mind room for expansion, for whatever the expansions bring.  I know Late Night adds clubs and new rabbit holes, as well as Ambitions.  A medium sized world would be rather difficult to expand.

Which leaves me at the moment terrain sculpting and painting a large sized world.  Let me say, large is much much larger than medium, it's almost unbalanced how much larger it is.  It's taking me even more time than I expected because I'm trying to recreate the same feeling and look of my first attempt at create a world.  I'm finally at a point though I feel like it's all starting to come together.  Hopefully tomorrow, I'll have pics.

1 comment:

  1. I actually only have 3GBs of RAM at the moment (and my computer only goes up to 4), so I feel your pain. My graphics card isn't *too* bad, but it's nothing to write home about. Those EA-recommended system requirements can be so misleading.

    I never really noticed how much larger the large map is compared to the medium map, but you're right - there's quite a difference!
