Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hidden Springs, Textures, and Rambling Rants

Warning: Sleep deprived ramblings incoming.

Sometimes I just do not understand people at all.   Hidden Springs, a new sims 3 world was released to the Store the other day.   Yes,  I grabbed it.  I've been excited for this world since I first saw screenshots.   I personally think it's an absolutely gorgeous world.  I'm honestly not disappointed with it now that I have it in my game.  Apparently though, I'm the only person who feels this way.

Let me start with a few of the issues other players seem to have with this world.
1. It's too green.
Basically most players feel that the terrain painting is poorly done.  I don't get it.   Yes, it's all over green.  And I can see that maybe another player's opinion of beauty isn't that bright, lush, rolling hills of Irish green.  That is an opinion though.  I love it. I love that color and how bright it is.  What is bothering me so badly is no one believes this is an opinion.  This is fact and it's horrible.  Obviously it's a terrible world for having that color scheme.  Opinions are opinions, a person is entitled to their opinion here in America. That's wonderful,  but to be so close minded that it's an opinion is amazing to me.   There is no,  "Well this is my opinion and I'm not a fan of the color." Instead it's this overly negative statement.

2.  Distant Terrain and World Textures.

This is similar to the first complaint.  The new distant terrain colors aren't an exact to the hex number match of the world textures, and apparently the distant terrain does not match the world edges perfectly.  For gods freaking sake people,  does anyone else see how ridiculous this sounds.   First I want to say,  color matching is going to depend HEAVILY on a players graphics card.   I have a crappy graphics card, it's terrible, but it's soo much better than my old card.  I remember when I first picked up the Sims 2 I couldn't get over how so many of the white textures had a pinkish hue to them. Guess what, graphics.   Now granted I understand that many players have high resolution cards, but the point is, sometimes having that high a resolution is going to add discoloration also.  Secondly,  yes, if you look at any world from an overview instead of at land level things are not going to look as good.  Hate to break it to you, but even your supposedly perfect world looks like shit from an overview.  However, some people are going to biased.

3.  Roads and Sidewalks

One person is complaining about the new roads added to the world.   I think the worlds are absolutely gorgeous.  The roads inspired me so much I actually spent most of last night scouring the internet putting together a real texture file.  I plan on giving Summerset Bay a revamp later this week with all the new textures.  Once again, I see the complaints with the road textures.  I really do.  There are some minor imperfections, specifically where corners are.   The thing is, seriously I played this world for hours the other day and never even noticed the imperfections until this guy pointed them out.  What bothers me is not that he's complaining about the imperfections, it's how he does it.

There is so much negativity that it's extremely disturbing to me.  I understand players dislike aspects of the world, but for their original response to have not even one positive thing to say and to do nothing but complain. It's just heartbreaking to me, to be so negative all the time.

The funniest part to me about all of this is that the two things I'm actually not thrilled with in this world are the two things players seem to be either unconcerned with, or they actually feel was well done.  Those two things would be premade lots and premade Sims.

Maxis/EA lots have a long history of being poorly built.  Usually missing objects like doors, bathrooms, etc.  It seems that it's so expected people have just assumed that the lots should be poorly built and that there is no point in discussing these issues.   Now, I do feel the same way. I do expect not to like the premade lots.  That's not what bothers me though. It's the size of these premade lots.   64x64 size lots are only useful in my opinion for large rabbit hole buildings or wildlife parks with a lake taking up a majority of the space. I hate that it can take a sim up to four hours to walk from a bedroom to a bathroom, due to the sheer size of these homes or community lots.  I like smaller lots that are highly decorated.   I want my pictures and worlds to look bustling.  When lots are so large that everything is so far apart, worlds always look like ghost towns to me.  However, this does not bother the majority of players.   And they actually prefer this look.

In TS1, I loved all of the premades.  I loved the Goth family.   I loved giving Bob and Betty makeovers.  When unleashed was released,  I absolutely fell in love with Claire Charming and her pup Luna.   TS2 killed my love for the premades.   I dislike drama in any form.  Normally, I am a cheerful person and I like to have life happy.  Enough terrible things happen on a daily basis all around. When I'm playing a game I'm here to escape into a happier place. There is no room for drama in the way that our society enjoys currently.  I want my drama in the form of a good murder mystery where the bad guys are bad guys and the good guys are good guys.  If I want conflict give me a good romance where the two lovebirds are both so strong willed and stubborn that their verbal disagreements are only a disguise for the passion they feel for each other.   But that they are too stubborn to see it immediately.  I don't want an, oh she said, he said, hair pulling, fist fight fiasco.  That sort of drama is completely unappealing to me.  With the release of TS2 that is how all premades seem to be made.  Of course that is the intention of the Devs.  While a majority of players seem to enjoy that I do not.   Those are the only dislikes I have for this new world and honestly those are the dislikes I have had for any premade world.

Everyone has an opinion.  However, in this society of instant communication, I feel a couple of things should be noted.   Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.  Just because you can have an opinion doesn't mean you should broadcast it.  Just because you can be mean doesn't mean you should be mean.   And above all else, practice tolerance and be open to the world around you.  One opinion isn't more right than another opinion.  Put a little good will and positivity out there, then watch some of that karma come back to you.

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