Thursday, August 18, 2011

Messy Piles of Stuff

There's so much going on in my head at the moment and it's all a disorganized mess.  I so very much dislike disorganized.  I'm definitely one of those people that want everything in nice little neat piles.  That being said, my life definitely is not that way.  Things are more in huge messy piles.  Sometimes I have so many thoughts and ideas it's hard to organize it into a coherent paragraphs.   I suppose first I'll talk about where Summerset Bay currently stands.

All of the things on my check list are finished.  Lots are named, streets are named, and spawners are placed.  Then I went to test the neighborhood.   I'm not happy with spawners.   Spawners are one of the more confusing aspects of building my world.  They're definitely overwhelming if you don't go into placement without a gameplan.   After placing them and not really being pleased with the amount or the placement, I started searching for some kind of tutorial.  Which I did not find.  That's when I started thinking if I could look at Riverview or Sunset Valley's placement of spawners maybe that would be a guide for my own.  I searched for a bit and found a tutorial that shows how to extract saved games into CAW for editing. Which is probably the most awesome thing ever.

That we're so limited in what objects we can add to the game with the world editor has disappointed me from the start.  I do plan on purchasing expansion packs, and it would be nice to add some of the world objects that you get with those expansions to my world later.  The ability to extract to CAW and edit will be amazing for this.

However, back to the original thought here, I was able to see the placement and the number of spawners in those worlds.   So, I went back and added in a lot more spawners and areas for things to spawn.  The only areas  now I feel need work in regards to spawners, would be fresh water spawn areas for fish.  Since I have no rivers or lakes,  my lakes and such are community lots and only two of those are parks with lakes/ponds large enough for fishing.   Basically, I need to add at least two more and find places for those.

The other problem is once again the coastal areas.  First the beach area near town had to be redone again.  I loved the layout and placement of everything except I miss counted lot spacing and things needed to be moved out towards the coast.  It was a mess, but it's fixed. Finally. For real this time. I promise.   The other problem is that I'm still not truly happy with my coastal area decorative wise.  I feel like I need tall grass and dunes.  I'm just unsure how to go about achieving that affect. For now though I suppose it will have to do because I honestly have no idea what else to do for that.  I don't want a tropical beach area. I want a beach area similar to the New England coast or the dunes along Lake Michigan. Base game CAW just doesn't give you that many options for getting that look.

However, for now I really do feel like my world is playable.  Just needs tweaking. I suppose I need to stop tweaking one day soon and actually play.   But here are some pics from in game without lines while I was testing.

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