Wednesday, August 31, 2011

To Be or Not to Be... Mountains, (also titled) Mountains Out of Mole Hills

So, this is just a little post to vent a couple things on my mind at the moment. This is not specifically sim related. However, having been a gamer for most of my life, this can apply to any online gaming community, or any online community for that matter.
If you make a conscious decision to become a member of any online community.  The rules that apply to real life do apply there also.   Respect, consideration, and politeness are not to much to ask for.  I'd love for everyone to try and remember that out of the thousands or so people in your community just because one or two or even ten turn out to be real jerks, not everyone is.  And acting out against the whole community who has supported you, stood by you, and encouraged is extremely disrespectful.   Drama of that nature is so ridiculous that it's not even funny or entertaining, it's just ignorant.   When situations happen like this, I'm always reminded of that teacher, who when one student would misbehave behind the teacher's back, isn't ratted out on or is caught that then the whole class is disciplined.  Disciplining a whole class or a group of people for one person's actions does not accomplish anything at all.  Unless the action you are trying to accomplish is to be disrespectful of others, and what kind of lesson does that teach.   Every single day, I'm always amazed at the lack of tolerance and intelligence and respect our society has for each other.  (watch me tie this into the sims after all!)   I think this is one of the main reasons I do enjoy my simmies so much.  My sim worlds are a model of behavior, in general I have nice sims.  Granted, some are eccentric and even have bad traits, but their overall character is nice, and definitely repsectful.

Okay now that I have that off my mind, I do have a few notes about Summerset Bay.  First I hate distant terrain.  I wish that there was a better way to accomplish the effect that it gives. I think I have it tweaked so that it looks nice, but now I have to adjust the hills to fit to it.  Which leads me to the hills surrounding the town.  Originally I was thinking they would be more like rolling mountains.  Thing with that is, I'm apparently terrible at making mountains.  After debating, I've decided that mountains don't fit with the neighborhood and rolling hills would look better, so I'm at that process right now.   Hopefully sometime in the next day or so I can get some pics up.

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