Sunday, September 18, 2011

Still Simming

I'm still here.  I don't expect anyone to believe me, but here I am.   Several things have occurred recently in my game.  First,  I got two new and exciting additions.  First, yes, I got Hidden Springs when it was released.  I love the world.  My last post I think covers anything I have to say about it.   Secondly,  I finally bought World Adventures,  Twice.   Yes, I said twice.  The first time, I found a copy on amazon for $7.99 used in excellent condition.  Of course I snatched that up quick as possible.  Waited three very long days for it to arrive on a Saturday,  only for the blasted thing to not work.

I was getting an error during the install of the fullbuild file.  Apparently, this is a very very very common error.  There's a forty page thread on the Sims 3 tech forums.  Do you know how long it takes to read a forty page thread?   Let me tell you.   It takes all day.   I spent my entire weekend installing WA with every imaginable variation of the fixes listed that worked for various other players.  Of course no luck for me though.   I should also mention I'm like a dog with a bone when it comes to puzzles like this.  And yes I do consider it a puzzle when things don't work the way they should.   After realizing it wasn't going to install at all,  I gave up.   By this point though, I wanted the game, and had talked myself into the fact that $29.99 from Wally world isn't a bad price.  I was thinking for a problem this extensive, newer copies of the game had to be fixed.  My used copy either had a scratch that I couldn't see or because it was one of the original released, it didn't have the correct fixes needed.   Tuesday I ran into our local store and got a copy and guess what, same error.

This was the point I was ready to start throwing things.   But instead I did more research,  there was literally one thing I had not tried that was listed.  However, it wasn't one of the fixes that multiple people had work,  literally one person in the entire thread had said it worked.   A registry fix.  This computer is close to new,it's only a year old.  I honestly did not think that it would need the registry fixed.  My sweet boyfriend reminded me CCCleaner has a registry fix with it.  So ran that, closed literally every single program down,  installed from the setup.exe on the disc instead of auto and used the custom install with nothing changed.   And I'll be shocked and amazed it installed and works!!!  So I have a decision, I'm not sure what to do with two copies, Obviously I'd like to keep the cheap one and send the expensive one back to Walmart for a refund and get Ambitions instead.  I'm not sure Walmart would let me exchange or give me money back.   And secondly  the game installed is the Walmart one and I'm not confident enough to uninstall it to try to install the cheap one.

While I try to decide, I had another problem occur.  World Adventures patches when you install the game, which makes your game version and CAW version incompatible.   I could go through and find one of the older versions.  The process to do that is rather long and even then there is no guarantee it's going to work.  And very likely corrupt your old saves.   I am planning on getting Pets, the money is already set aside.  I'm waiting for that now before I can finish or even start with CAW again.

My solution is to play Hidden Springs.   Before I installed WA I had opened HS up with CAW and made a fair amount of changes regarding inhabitants and lot size.  As I have stated before I love HS,  I had the overly super sized lots and I just do not like most premade maxis sims.

I removed all inhabitants made the majority of lots half the size they were, then moved in my own homes and sims.  Personally,  I think it's a great world and I'm loving playing it.   However,  I do have one more rant for a post tomorrow.  It doesn't belong in this post.

Current to do post it's state:
World Adventures post
Rant post
1.8 MC post

And because everyone has read this far here are some eye candy from my current HS.

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