Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Feng Shui, a Visit to China

The next household I planned on sharing contained an adventure sim.  So, I sent my Great Explorer on an adventure in China.

Then it became apparent to me that China's very visually uninspiring.  As I ran through the quests available, I started to realize the landscape and scenery in China is very visually inspiring.  The concrete everythingness of the Forbidden City created a very off-putting feeling in me.  That, and the bland washed out look of all the lots also gave a very poor contrast to the world.   Now, I do realize that EA was going for a more traditional look.  They were trying to achieve a weathered old world atmosphere.  However, for me, it didn't come off well.  I spent several real life days in edit game going from lot to lot, repainting and decorating.  However, my muse remained in hiding, until a couple of days ago.  Now, I've redone most, not all, of the lots, reworked the Forbidden City, and actually look forward to sending future generations to China.
Halls of the Lost Army
Shang Simla Market
Scrolls in the Mist Bookstore at the Market
The Emperor's Plaza
Phoenix Martial Arts
The Scholar's Garden
Resolute Fist Retreat
Temple of Heaven

Now, I want to add a little footnote here.  The Hot Springs lot is the number one reason for the stuttering lah in China.  A lot of other routing issues contribute, but for my game, fixing this lot makes enough of a difference the other issues are workable.

Hot Springs
However, for the industrious players there is a fix on MTS that I'll link here which fixes all the routing issues in all destinations.  Another fix, simple, but effective, and more like a band aid, I like to use the cheat resetsims *  around 6 am.  This will send all sims back to their home lot, which frees any stuck sims that are causing the route lag stutter.  I like 6 am because this doesn't affect the store keepers.

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