Monday, August 6, 2012

The Adventurers

Above we see on the left Sinjin St. James, his beloved companion Emersen, and his best friend Finn Goodwynn.  
Finn and Sinjin met in high school while working on the school newspaper.  They've been best friends since.  After college, Sinjin earned an internship at the local paper, The Country Gazette.  Another aspiring author, Sinjin's true desire is to lead the local news team reporting and uncovering all the mysterious incidents that happen around Summerset Bay.  Where as Finn discovered he was far more interested in the mysteries of other destinations.  Recently Finn has spent a great deal of time in Shang Simla uncovering the mysteries of the various Tombs there.

While sitting one day at the local cafe in the Forbidden City, Finn noticed a beautiful blonde.  Obviously not a local, he was intrigued at once.  Cat Flynn has always had a passion for archaeology.   Discovering new cultures and learning of the cultures of the past.  Her time is spent traveling abroad. She generally drags her poor brother Riley along on her adventures.  Always willing to lend aid, Riley brings his medical knowledge to those in need when traversing forgotten cities with his sister.

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