Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sister, Sister

This is a rather short introduction.  Sometimes a personality jumps out at me and I feel an instant attachment and, other times I need time to for a personality to develop.   The next two households are that way.

The first household consist of sisters, Mina and Arabella Sterling.  Mina loves animals, art, and being outside in nature. Her sister Arabella enjoys music. Her constant companion, an old accoustic guitar she found at an antique shop, rarely rests far from her hands.  From her pastime of playing in the park, Arabella's been earning a few tips.

The sisters Sophie and Sydney Spencer compose the second household. Sophie, who's very athletic, aspires to master the Martial Arts.  Her older sister Sydney's love of art inspires her to hone her photography skill.  She would love to own a home filled with her photographs.

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