Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So now it definitely looks like a real Sim world.  Blobby landscapes,  paint splotched hills, and haphazard road layouts are all coming together to form in my opinion a really beautiful world.   I've spent most of the last few days putting the little farm areas together.   I absolutely love how they have turned out.

I was getting very frustrated working on the coastal areas of the world.  I don't have any idea how to even begin to go about landscaping those places.  Instead I choose to work on the farmland.   I live smack in the middle of  farmland.  My real life home is surrounded on two sides by soybean fields.  So I'm very familiar with how I would like this to look.  Once I started working on the fields it all came to me very easy and I got into a rhythm of painting then lining with trees.  I didn't even have to much trouble with too many terrain paints in one chunk.

This chunk has nine terrain paints.  It  should only have eight.  I have no clue where or how there is nine.  However, I'm not removing all the painting for one minuscule little splotch.  I've done some research and one over every now and again does not affect performance that much.  It's just not a good idea to make a habit of it.

Next I want to finish out the hills surrounding this area.   I have a waterfall park area planned, similar to Stoney Falls in Sunset Valley.   I also plan to have my mine entrance located in this section of the map.   Once I have all of this designed and I'm comfortable with how it looks, I'll start to research and brainstorm ideas for my coastal areas.   I'm going to leave you with a couple more farmland pics first though.


  1. Gorgeous. *drool*

    Okay, and NOW I will shut up and read the rest of the blog posts. <3

  2. I'm glad you're liking Summerset Bay. It's gone through quite a few incarnations as I learned CAW :)
