Thursday, July 28, 2011

Building! Building! Building! and More Building!

I discovered the most awesome website.  Living Sims is an online magazine, about of course Sims.  It's set up just like any other home and garden styled magazine, complete with editor's page and monthly columns.  I have to admit, it's easily become my favorite place to visit.   There are so many unique interior and exterior home designs, I find that it really inspires my palette.
Now that being said,  this is a rather short post full of pic spam.   It would look like I haven't done much with my world, but the truth is I have been building and building and building.   Building in the TS3 takes so much longer than it did in TS2.  I blame the create-a-style tool.   With the ability to customize to the tiniest detail it's very easy to get absorbed into decorating.

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