Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summerset Bay Storming! (Brain-Storming)

I don't have really any pictures to share.  I have mostly been playing MC the last couple of days.  After spending four hours staring at grid lines and smoothing them out to make sure all the pathing was correct,  I was burnt out on creating my world.  It didn't help either that I had severe designers block regarding on several areas of my neighborhood.   However, I may have been playing MC and not Sims, I was brainstorming.   That is mainly what's been going on.

I had to re-evaluate how I wanted the area around the downtown to look. Transitioning from a more urban area into a more suburban area and then into farmland has been a little difficult.  Too many ideas have been floating around in my mind.  I wanted a small industrial park near the urban area but not inside of it, however I had no clue where to even begin placing it, or how to set it up so that it looks nice.

Then there was the whole Military base and whether I wanted to have "military housing" I did build a couple of very nice looking starter homes,  I'm not sure where they will go and how I'll use them in my world.  I do want to use them though.

But in the end I have persevered.  All the planning and brain storming has lead to me being happy with the layout at the moment. Yes at the moment.   Goddess knows I'll change my mind a million times before I'm done but for now it's good.

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