Monday, July 18, 2011

Routing, Routing, Routing!

Well, Summerset Bay is actually looking like a real neighborhood. I know I have said this before, I mean it this time, really!  The whole farmland, countryside is pretty much complete.  There are tree lined fields, barns with grain silos, and even pastures spread about.   I've also created a small woodland in the middle of one area.  Actually, I built the woodland area, something like, four times.

The first time I really liked how it looked, but a friend pointed out everything was too flat and needed hills.   That's when I found out that when you use the hill terrain tool, it doesn't make the objects on top of the terrain rise.  So, I had trees being swallowed up by hills, like some kind of tree eating monster.  The second time I placed all the trees I really loved how it looked, but I read that too many trees in one area will lag.   I thinned the woods then.  Apparently, in later expansions there is a tree shrub or "treeshrub" that you can use to give woods a thicker denser look.  I'm hoping I can add that in with the world editor tool actually in game.   I was very happy with the woods at this point.  Then I realized I had to work on the routing.  Which was extremely confusing until I found another post that explained that a bit better.  Well I ended up redoing the hills because of the routing which in turn meant I needed to redo the trees, Again.....   However, at this point the countryside is finished.   All that's left is to place spawners and effects.  I need to build two park areas, also. The lots are placed, they just need created.   Which I will get too, eventually.

The rest of the world of course needs loads more work, but I need a break from Sims 3.  I spent an entire night combing over the terrain with a fine tooth comb in order to make sure all the grid lines for routing line up correctly.   There were not too many areas that were very bad.  The beach and coast areas were a nightmare,   and so were any areas I had rocks.   However, I think it's time to give a bit of attention to Minecraft.

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