Friday, November 4, 2011

Summerset Isle

October was a good month and a bad month for me.  With all the other things going on I didn't have much time for simming.  When I did get to Sim,  I didn't take pics and I definitely didn't have the focus to put together a post.  All of that being said, life has quieted down to a dull roar.  So many new things have happened in my Sim world that I'm not sure where to start.  Start at the beginning you say, well that's a fine idea.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Are EA released worlds really that awful?

This is a short rant and in a way I'm also expressing a few apprehensions I have regarding my CAW abilities.  First I want to know where all of these sims players get their better than everyone else attitude from.  I thought humility was suppose to be a virtue.  Granted I'm as far removed from being christian as a pagan goddess, so that probably sounds odd coming from me.  The notion still stands though.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Still Simming

I'm still here.  I don't expect anyone to believe me, but here I am.   Several things have occurred recently in my game.  First,  I got two new and exciting additions.  First, yes, I got Hidden Springs when it was released.  I love the world.  My last post I think covers anything I have to say about it.   Secondly,  I finally bought World Adventures,  Twice.   Yes, I said twice.  The first time, I found a copy on amazon for $7.99 used in excellent condition.  Of course I snatched that up quick as possible.  Waited three very long days for it to arrive on a Saturday,  only for the blasted thing to not work.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

To Be or Not to Be... Mountains, (also titled) Mountains Out of Mole Hills

So, this is just a little post to vent a couple things on my mind at the moment. This is not specifically sim related. However, having been a gamer for most of my life, this can apply to any online gaming community, or any online community for that matter.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hidden Springs, Textures, and Rambling Rants

Warning: Sleep deprived ramblings incoming.

Sometimes I just do not understand people at all.   Hidden Springs, a new sims 3 world was released to the Store the other day.   Yes,  I grabbed it.  I've been excited for this world since I first saw screenshots.   I personally think it's an absolutely gorgeous world.  I'm honestly not disappointed with it now that I have it in my game.  Apparently though, I'm the only person who feels this way.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Messy Piles of Stuff

There's so much going on in my head at the moment and it's all a disorganized mess.  I so very much dislike disorganized.  I'm definitely one of those people that want everything in nice little neat piles.  That being said, my life definitely is not that way.  Things are more in huge messy piles.  Sometimes I have so many thoughts and ideas it's hard to organize it into a coherent paragraphs.   I suppose first I'll talk about where Summerset Bay currently stands.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Coming Together!

 Alot has happened in Summerset Bay since I last posted.  This is probably going to be lengthy and wordy, but I promise I'll have pics at the end.  I can honestly say that I am very very close to finished.  Meaning that I hope by tomorrow to have it in my game so that I can start play testing everything.  Let's start where I left off with building.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Building! Building! Building! and More Building!

I discovered the most awesome website.  Living Sims is an online magazine, about of course Sims.  It's set up just like any other home and garden styled magazine, complete with editor's page and monthly columns.  I have to admit, it's easily become my favorite place to visit.   There are so many unique interior and exterior home designs, I find that it really inspires my palette.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summerset Bay Storming! (Brain-Storming)

I don't have really any pictures to share.  I have mostly been playing MC the last couple of days.  After spending four hours staring at grid lines and smoothing them out to make sure all the pathing was correct,  I was burnt out on creating my world.  It didn't help either that I had severe designers block regarding on several areas of my neighborhood.   However, I may have been playing MC and not Sims, I was brainstorming.   That is mainly what's been going on.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Routing, Routing, Routing!

Well, Summerset Bay is actually looking like a real neighborhood. I know I have said this before, I mean it this time, really!  The whole farmland, countryside is pretty much complete.  There are tree lined fields, barns with grain silos, and even pastures spread about.   I've also created a small woodland in the middle of one area.  Actually, I built the woodland area, something like, four times.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So now it definitely looks like a real Sim world.  Blobby landscapes,  paint splotched hills, and haphazard road layouts are all coming together to form in my opinion a really beautiful world.   I've spent most of the last few days putting the little farm areas together.   I absolutely love how they have turned out.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

More Lots!

As you can see I've been rather busy.  Summerset Bay is finally starting to look like a neighborhood.  Figuring out a road layout, especially for the residential areas was far more difficult than I thought it was going to be.  I didn't want anything too square and rigid. Instead, I was looking for a more natural look.  When you try so hard to be natural it never comes out looking natural.   Finally, I took a break and when I came back things flowed so much better.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Into the Rabbit Hole!

 As promised here are some pics of my town square.   These are all rabbit hole lots.  I haven't even begun to contemplate creating community lots such as the gym and library.  Those will come in good time I imagine.  At this moment, I've been having fun creating a bustling quaint city neighborhood.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summerset's Town Square

This week went by quickly.  I mentioned before that I play other games, well one of those other games is Minecraft. If you haven't heard of it, I really recommend checking it out. Minecraft is a beta released sandbox game with a bit of adventure thrown in for fun.  Since they are in beta we get regular updates and a new one came out this week.  So, that took up part of the week.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


So, I'm extremely frustrated with CAW at the moment.  In my previous post,  I wrote about how I was creating a whole new world.  The problem with that would be the fact that I choose to make a medium sized world.  My computer is not a high end gaming machine.  Rather, it's a moderate gaming machine.  Meaning, I only have 2g of ram and a crappy graphics card.  Obviously, I'll be updating both of those in the future, but at the moment it is what I have to work with.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Meadowlark Park

So, I've been working on my custom neighborhood, Summerset Bay.  I have most of the terrain sculpting finished, along with most of the terrain painting.   Now I'm at the point that I need to start laying roadwork.  The problem with that, for me anyways, is I'm unsure what sizes to make my community lots. You know, the ones that go in the main part of the town.  I have a list of all the different lots I want to create, but I just didn't know what lot sizes to go with.  With Create-a-World being so customizable, I feel overwhelmed at times on the direction I want to go.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Create-a-World Project

One of my favorite things about the Sims is the ability to create just about anything your imagination can come up with.   At the moment that would be playing with the Create-a-World.  When the Sims 2 was released, I created a brand new neighborhood called Summerset Bay.  Then I recreated all my favorite sims from TS1 and moved them into the neighborhood.   And now with Sims 3, I'm starting the process all over again.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Welcome to my little corner of the Sim World.   If you haven't guessed, I'm abcfaery.   This will be my first blog ever and while I know enough about computers to be dangerous, I've never really tried to create something of this nature.   I'm planning on using this place as a way of keeping track of my various Sim projects.

There will be a little of everything here.  About a month and half ago I finally purchased Sims 3, before that I was completely addicted to Sims 2 and of course before that Sims 1.  You can say, I'm a bit Sims obsessed, but if you are here, then you probably are a bit too.

I'm still learning all about Sims 3.  While it's a completely different style of play there is still quite a bit similar to the previous Sims games.   I fully plan to continue playing Sims 2, however with Sims 3 being all shiny and new that is where my attention currently stands.

I do play other games and I am an avid gamer.  So, from time to time those other games may pop into this blog, but honestly Sims is where my heart lies.

And now before I ramble on too terribly much, which is too easy for me to do, I'll leave this here and wish all a Blessed Be!